人体蜈蚣2 (2011) - 剧情 电影 91 分钟. The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence, The Human Centipede 2, The Human Centipede 2 - Full Sequence, Human Centipede – Der menschliche Tausendfüßler, El Cienpies Humano 2, The Human Centipede II, Con Rết Người 2, 휴먼 센티피드 2. 马丁和母亲住在英国伦敦一个灰暗的房子里。那里喧闹的邻居以及拥挤的生活条件,无时无刻不让马丁倍感压抑。他是地下车库夜班保安,每天一遍又一遍地欣赏《人体蜈蚣》,剪贴板上充满了电影的纪念品,电影中的变态德国医生,成了他疯狂迷恋的科学家。母亲对他的辱骂,使他的精神临近崩溃的边缘。他租了一个仓库开始模拟德国医生,实施他的“伟大”的人体蜈蚣计划。他开始囚禁无辜的人,甚至杀死自己的母亲,同时打晕了楼上大嗓门的邻居、两个醉鬼、两个妓女、一对恋人,一对夫妇,一个孕妇,一个好色徒,把他们几个弄在一块做成“人体蜈蚣”。但马丁缺乏手术技巧,医疗器械和手术室。他只有胶带、榔头、螺丝刀等根本不能称之为手术器材的家用工具。而他是否能把把这个变态的计划实施下去呢? child abuse, baby, rape, insect, sexual obsession, suffering, sadism, kidnapping, sadistic, exploitation, wound, victim, controversy, gore, knife, deception, celebrity, sequel, tools, rape victim, sexual violence, murder, sexploitation, mute, torture, sadist, cruelty, violent death, brutality, held captive, captive, obsessed fan, extreme sadism, centipede, mouth, perverse sex, onanism, perverted, sexual sadism, feces, sandpaper, pervert, humiliation, death, mental illness, rapist, sexual torture, defecation, crowbar, infant death, torture porn, hell on earth, funnel, diarrhea, paraphilia, vile, coprophagia, scatology, dehumanization, abusive mother, banned film, scrapbook

人体蜈蚣2 (2011)
The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence, The Human Centipede 2, The Human Centipede 2 - Full Sequence, Human Centipede – Der menschliche Tausendfüßler, El Cienpies Humano 2, The Human Centipede II, Con Rết Người 2, 휴먼 센티피드 2-
发布日期: Oct 06, 2011
运行时间: 91 分钟
: 6.2/10 by 1333 位用户
明星: Laurence R. Harvey, Ashlynn Yennie, Dominic Borrelli, Georgia Goodrick, Maddi Black, Kandace Caine
Crew: David Meadows (Director of Photography), Tom Six (Producer), Tom Six (Director), Tom Six (Writer), James Edward Barker (Original Music Composer), Ilona Six (Producer)